An optical cavity is combined with non-linear optical crystals and a laser
source to generate light radiation at a frequency about 1.5 times the
frequency of the initial laser source while having a wavelength 2/3 that
of the initial laser source. The optical cavity comprises mirrors of
relatively high reflectivity for optical radiation at a frequency of F/2,
superior transmission for radiation at a frequency of 3/2*F to extract
the final radiation and mirrors with relatively immediate or high
reflectivity, or generally high transmission for radiation at a frequency
F. The effective optical length of the cavity is precisely tunable by
operating at least one of the mirrors that form the cavity. The optical
cavity houses at least two non-linear optical crystals: at least one of
which satisfies the phase-matching--quasi phase-matching--condition for
non-linear conversion F 2*F/2, and at least one of which satisfies the
phase-matching--or quasi phase-matching--condition for non-linear
conversion F+F/23/2*F The length of the optical cavity, and its resonance
modes, are actively stabilized such that the only process of frequency
division is that by a factor of around 2.