A method of determining the size and placement of screws in pedicles in a selected spinal area comprising, hollowing out the vertebra in a three-dimensional image of the spine with cortical wall thicknesses selected by a surgeon; determining the isthmus within each pedicle; generating a straight line starting at the center of the isthmus and extending inwardly to a point centered within the anterior cortex so that it is positioned concentrically within the pedicle without touching the walls thereof, the line terminating a predetermined distance from the anterior inner cortical wall and extending outwardly in the opposite direction to penetrate the posterior pedicle cortex; expanding the line concentrically and radially to a cross sectional size that is less than that of the isthmus, the line being expanded into a cylinder that stops growing when any portion thereof contacts the inner cortical wall of the hollowed out vertebral body.

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< Method and apparatus for automatically generating a site model

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