A radio frequency identifier (RFID) active/passive tag is provided to
identify failed sub-CRU and location within a higher level CRU. When an
error occurs on the base blade or within one of the sub-CRUs, the
embedded processor writes failure information to the RFID. RFID tags may
also contain data identifying the locations, of the sub-CRUs of the
blade. Thus, when there is a failure, the RFID may report the failed
component as well as the location of a failed sub-CRU. Sub-CRUs may also
include an embedded processor and RFID tag. When a service action is
initiated to repair or replace a blade, the RFID tag may be read by a
RFID reader. The RFID reader device may then present failure information,
including the identification of the failed sub-CRU and other associated
information to the operator. The RFID reader device may also request
associated information from a server computer.