Described is a method using a computer for grading student work on a
problem when the student's own steps are shown in detail. A reference
trace is created representing a best solution path to the problem. A
student trace of the student's own work is then created, which involves
searching explicitly for a specific rationale for appending a step to the
student trace; deeming the step a correct production provided the step
was able to be reproduced and marking the step as traced; provisionally
accepting the step as part of the best solution path subject to
revocation if a better-quality step is later found by a step conflict
check; implicitly tracing the student's work to discover implicitly taken
mental steps provided the explicit tracing has failed to justify the
step; appending any remaining untraced steps to the student trace and
excluding them from the best solution path; computing a value of the
steps in the student's work to form a student value; and, comparing the
student value to a total value of the steps in the reference trace to
obtain a score.