When a liquid mixture of two samples such as biological samples labeled
with stable isotopes is subjected to a relative quantitative analysis
using a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry system, various
constituents are simultaneously ionized. Accordingly, sufficient time
required for second mass spectrometry is not ensured, whereby some ions
remain unanalyzed after measurement. To address this problem, after
second mass spectrometry, amino acid sequencing is performed using the
analysis data of the second mass spectrometry, which enables
determination on the presence/absence of a specific amino acid labeled
with a stable isotope. When the specific amino acid is present, the m/z
value of an isotopically-labeled-paired ion in an MS spectrum is
calculated, and non-target information for use in second mass
spectrometry is created using the calculated m/z information. This avoids
redundant second mass spectrometry on sample components derived from the
same peptide while allowing second mass spectrometry to be efficiently