Moving replicas in a cryptographically secure manner such that the target location and timing of the movements are completely hidden from any user, or is kept as a secret by a limited number of users who have been given advanced notice of the new location and relocation time for a replica. A catalog of replica locations that describe the current location of the replicas is stored in encrypted form so as to prevent individuals from determining the exact location of the replicas. Since the location of the replicas is hidden at any given moment, attackers may not use the location of the replicas in order to attack all of the replicas at the same time. Accordingly, recovery mechanisms may have an opportunity to recover from any given attack by once again creating replicas from those replicas that had not been attacked.


< Handheld toy communicator with slidable cover

> Method and system for adaptive identity analysis, behavioral comparison, compliance, and application protection using usage information

> Electronic mouse having an illuminated region

~ 00565