A method and apparatus for geodesic sphere construction provides a
construction framework from an extrusion system that, when fabricated,
generates the geometries of the geodesic sphere or dome, and also is
configured to interlock with the triangular exterior panels to form a
waterproof system. The apparatus includes an extruded strut portion
having a cross-section, and a vertex component having the same
cross-section, with a sliding connector portion adapted to slide into and
join the strut portion and vertex component to form the geodesic frame
work of a geodesic strut and panel system. The extruded strut and vertex
components have a centerline bearing opposing dihedral angles. The vertex
connectors are each set at the appropriate face angle and axial angle
according to their location on the geodesic structure. Thus, the vertex
component generates both the surface angles on a geodesic sphere and the
axial angles which produce the curvature of the geodesic dome.