A method and system for distributing credit using a fiber channel switch element is provided. The switch element includes, a wait threshold counter that is used to set up a status for a port that has to wait for certain duration to send a frame due to lack of buffer to buffer credit; a credit module that controls buffer to buffer credit for a transmit segment of the fiber channel switch element; and a virtual lane credit module with a counter that is incremented every time a frame assigned to a virtual lane is sent and decreased every time a VC_RDY is received. The method includes, determining if a VC_RDY primitive is received; and allocating credit to a virtual lane that is not at its maximum credit, after the VC_RDY primitive is received.

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< Wavelength dispersive device with temperature compensation

> Optical waveguide ring resonator with photo-tunneling input/output port

> Techniques for ensuring synchronized processing at remote fiber channel and fiber connectivity networks

~ 00565