A support system is provided by which a support agent (10) can assist a
user (12) to resolve a problem with a device (14). The support service
provides a telephone link (32 ) between the user (12) and a support agent
(10), a call initially being handled by an automated answering service
(34) which invites the user (12) to prepare for the call by visiting a
support website to run a preparation routine (112) which determines the
configuration and state of the client's device (14). Once the data has
been harvested,the web application (32) carries out a plurality of
sub-routines to determine the operating conditions of the device (14).
Where the problem can be corrected automatically, the web application
(22) performs this directly. Where this cannot be done, the web
application (22) stores the harvested data in memory (25) and provides
the user (12) with a location code for that data. The user (12) can then
contact the support agent (10) and provide the agent with the location
code. Support can thus be provided efficiently without the agent needing
to waste time on data harvesting tasks.