Mediated cooperation of entities occurs based on uniformed (canonical)
representation of objects as tuples allocated for different semantic
aspects of the objects. The tuples are connected to represent sequential
events of one or more processes, which allow the entities to produce the
objects. The conditions under which the entity can produce one or more of
the objects are represented by using tuple templates. In order to
implement the process, each object is associated with one or more
semantic terms and one tuple named with the semantic term is allocated
for every association. Allocated tuples contain the information from the
object, which corresponds to the meaning of the semantic term. The goal
of each process is identified by one or more of the semantic terms. The
processes are then implemented by generating chains of events, which
terminate at the tuples corresponding to each semantic term. The semantic
terms are aggregated into general categories, which are used by the
cooperating entities for the goal identification. One or more of semantic
mediators are used to ensure sound formal semantics of the categories by
maintaining type systems for different problem domains. The type system
of each domain is based on the connected tuples forming a hyper-graph,
which is used to determine formal semantics of each type.