Novel gibberellin 2-oxidase (GA2ox) genes were identified. Differential
expression of GA2ox genes correlated with flower development, seed
germination, tiller growth and other developmental processes. In
addition, the early and increased growth of tiller and adventitious root
and altered root architecture caused by overexpression of GA2oxs further
suggest the pleiotropic role of GA2oxs in controlling growth and
architecture in plants such as rice. GA2ox5, GA2ox6 and GA2ox9 were three
genes encoding class C20 GA2oxs in rice. Mutants or transgenic rice
overexpressing class C20 GA2oxs exhibited a broad range of mutant
phenotypes, including semi-dwarfism, increased root system and higher
tiller numbers that may favor grain yield. Mutations in the conserved
domain III were found to affect the physiological activity of class C20