A soft notification technique isolates address family application based
errors or events occurring within a routing protocol, such as the Border
Gateway Protocol (BGP), used to exchange routing information between a
router and its peer router over a BGP session operating on a reliable
transport. The technique apportions the session into a plurality of
logical subsets, each of which is associated with an address family
application (AFI/SAFI) module of a BGP protocol executing on the routers.
BGP soft notification messaging is employed to allow the router to notify
its peer of an isolated error condition or event associated with an
AFI/SAFI module. Isolation of the error/event enables restart ("soft
reset") of only the associated AFI/SAFI module, thereby obviating the
need to reset or terminate the entire BGP session and reliable transport
between the router and peer. Notably, soft reset of the module occurs
without disrupting services provided by other AFI/SAFI modules of the BGP