A method for assisting a person in viewing results of a database query
uses query parameters to obtain query results from a database. A user
interface displays a table having a selector column. The selector column
includes a plurality of rows, with each row representing a set of values
for a parameter selectable by a user from a set of selectable parameters.
The table also has a selector row that includes a plurality of columns.
Each column represents a set of values for a parameter selectable by a
user from a set of selectable parameters. Parameters relate to data of
the database, and some are computed or derived from database fields. A
parameter may be a measure of a degree to which a travel itinerary
satisfies a company or managed travel bias. The table further includes
selector cells, with each cell corresponding to a row and column. A user
can select subsets of query results for display in an answer table by
selecting a column, row, or cell of the selection table.