A polyolefin production system, comprising a polymerization reactor (such
as a polyethylene loop slurry reactor) and a fractionation system that
receives reactor effluent processed in a diluent/monomer recovery system
for recycle to the reactor and to suppliers. A conduit diverts a portion
of a reflux flow comprising monomer, such as ethylene, from within the
fractionation system to the polymerization reactor, providing for less
venting of monomer, such as ethylene, to the supplier. Accordingly,
monomer yield is advantageously increased, as the monomer returned to the
reactor displaces monomer feedstock to the reactor. The reflux flow may
originate from a condensed overhead lights from a diluent recycle column
disposed in the fractionation subsystem. The diluent recycle column may
receive a stream comprising diluent and monomer as feed from the
diluent/monomer recovery subsystem, and may receive the non-diverted
portion of the reflux flow as reflux.