A wound management accessory (10) and a method of dressing a wound (28,30)
in the vicinity of an external orthopaedic fixator pin (24) are provided.
The accessory (10) has a resilient body with a sleeve (12) defining an
inner bore (18) that is shaped and dimensioned to fit around the
circumference of the fixator pin (24) with an interference fit. The body
also defines a flange (14) extending radially from the bore. The method
comprises applying the accessory (10) to the pin (24) by passing the pin
through the bore (18), covering the wound (28,30) at least in part with
an occlusive adherent film (34), attaching at least the flange (14) of
the accessory to the film in a generally sealing manner and applying a
negative pressure to the wound beneath the film.