The disease resistant `AU Premier` seguin offers food availability for wildlife over an extended period. A single plant drops nuts for a 2-3 month period. Nut size varies with season and the average weight is between 1 and 1.5 grams. The plant does not bloom until mid-May, therefore late spring frosts do not damage the flowers. In most seasons, the `AU Premier` seguin cultivar will have 2-3 flushes of vegetative growth. The nut quality is similar to the Chinese chestnut in that it is high in starch and sugar (40-42%) and low in fats. `AU Premier` seguin begins to drop its crop of medium sized nuts about September 8 and nut drop continues until mid-November. `AU Premier` seguin is an excellent companion cultivar for `AU Encore` seguin since the major nut drop for `AU Premier` seguin occurs before the major nut drop period of `AU Encore` seguin.


< Begonia plant named `Yamance`

> Chestnut plant named `Au Buck I`

> Climbing rose plant named `WEKrosopela`

~ 00568