A system and method completely eliminating the tasks and responsibilities
of the mortgage broker, loan officer, and Federally Chartered Banks in
the mortgage loan process, thus transforming the Consumer/Borrower's
(Consumer) Personal Computer into a Personal Mortgage Company (PMC)
establishing a consumer "do-it-yourself" mortgage process bestowing the
Consumer the ability and control to complete all processes needed to
complete a mortgage loan, from application to closing. Within the system
is an automated mortgage monitoring environment initiated each time a
Consumer enters the loan environment and for amplified consumer security
and confidence; Quality Control stations which monitor and records
conversations between the Consumer and the consumer service
representative, plus keystroke and ID recording of any consumer service
representative that intervened on a loan, and a State and Federal
regulator portal which allows financial audits in complete anonymity 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year remotely.