An electrical relay circuit, comprising a load circuit with a series
connection of a first generator (G1), a load component (R load) and a
relay switch (S1) of a relay (RL1), wherein the relay switch (S1) has a
closed position in which the load circuit is closed, and wherein the
relay switch (S1) hat a magnetized position in which the load circuit is
broken, further comprising an auxiliary circuit with a second generator
(G2) for providing a control signal, wherein by means of the control
signal the relay switch (S1) can be switched into the magnetised
position, and wherein the auxiliary circuit keeps the relay switch (S1)
in the magnetized position after the control signal is over, is
characterized in that the first generator (G1) is connected to a series
connection of the relay (RL1) and a constant current source (CCS) in both
positions of the relay switch (S1), that the constant current source
(CCS) is connected to an activation circuit (A) comprising the second
generator (G2), wherein the constant current source (CCS) can be put into
the activated state by the activation circuit (A) when the relay switch
(S1) is in the closed position, and that the constant current source
(CCS) is further connected to a holding circuit (H), wherein the holding
circuit (H) keeps the constant current source (CCS) in the activated
state when the relay switch (S1) is in the magnetised position. This
simple, self-retaining relay circuit may be operated in a wide range of