A magnetic recording medium for high-density recording, having a doped
interlayer to preserve the uniformity and ordering of the magnetic
nanoparticles in its recording layer. The interlayer is doped with a high
electronegativity material. The dopant atoms in the interlayer interact
with the ferromagnetic nanoparticles to promote the formation of a
homogeneous, ordered monolayer of nanoparticles in the recording layer.
In addition, the high electronegative property of the dopant atoms holds
the nanoparticles in place during the subsequent annealing process to
prevent sintering and disordering damage. In one embodiment, the dopant
is a halogen or non-halogen material having a high electronegativity,
which is not polymerized to the matrix material in the interlayer. The
matrix material may be polymerized. An example of a doped interlayer is a
fluorinated carbon film.