Di-ammonium phosphate, murate of potash and gypsum are the conventional
phosphorous, potassium and sulfur fertilizers respectively. Application
of gypsum to soil can cause an increase calcium load on soil and polluted
surface and underground water. The most successful technique is
application of phosphorous-potassium-sulfur glass which can be added
directly to the soil. Main feature of the present invention is
formulation and making of a composition of high phosphorous, potassium
and sulfur containing glass free from alkali like Na.sub.2O, Li.sub.2O
and ZnO, which are toxic to the plants. Such glasses are capable of slow
release of phosphorous, potassium and sulfur required in the area of
agriculture, fungicide, pesticide and weedicides etc. The present
invention also emphasize optimization of nutrient content, reduction of
calcium load on the soil, minimization of surface and under-ground water
pollution and maintenance of acidic environment near the plant roots in
the soil.