The flexible through-connection process, operational in a Mobile Switch Center, that provides support for allowing the call routing processor of the Mobile Switch Center to independently perform a through-connection/switch-connection based on different types of calls so that the Mobile Switch Center can make a through-connection at different stages of the outgoing call leg. In operation, the present flexible through-connection process includes in the call control processor of the switching system a new parameter in the existing inter-process message which is sent to the call routing processor at call setup time. The values supported for this new parameter will be pre-defined in the Mobile Switch Center and used by the call routing processor to determine when to perform through-connection/switch-connection for an outgoing call leg. When the call routing processor routs the call out and the outgoing call is at the stage, in which the value of the parameter received is defined for, it performs a through-connection operation. Additionally this flexible through-connection process automatically disconnects the other call leg, i.e., switches the connection from one called leg to another called leg when multiple call legs are involved for an incoming call.


< Speech processing for telephony API

> Mobile device for sending text messages

> Circuit control apparatus and method

~ 00573