The effects of electromagnetic interference (EMI) on X-ray image data is
corrected by characterizing the EMI and processing the image data to
subtract the EMI effects from the image data. The X-ray image data, along
with offset data, are collected in a conventional manner, affected by EMI
if present, and EMI-characterizing data is immediately collected
thereafter by disabling rows of a digital detector (FET off). The
EMI-characterizing data, then, is not affected by the presence of image
data, and can be used to characterize the amplitude and frequency of the
EMI. The EMI-characterizing data is assured of being in phase with the
collected image and offset data due to its collection in the same image
acquisition sequence immediately following the collection of image and
offset data. Artifacts due to the presence of EMI are thus eliminated
from reconstructed images based upon the corrected data.