A full-sized outdoor golf course is described with any number of holes,
usually 18 or 36 holes. Each hole is made up of a tee, a fairway, and a
green. The holes are laid out in a pattern that makes it practical for
each group of players on the golf course to play the holes in random
order. This is accomplished by organizing the holes in a pattern that
greatly increases the number of tees that are available to pick from
after leaving any green on the course. All tees and greens, and only tees
and greens, but no fairways, are located along special cart paths (44,
46, 48, 49, 50), that run roughly perpendicular to the normal cart paths
that usually run along each fairway, so that when finishing play on any
green, several tees are reachable by golf cart in a relatively short
predetermined time, preferably 11/2 minutes or less, using the special
cart paths (44, 46, 48, 49, 50).