This invention introduces an advertising method that enables content or
media (including but not limited to all contents or media on the
internet, pictures, videos, radio, television, newspaper, magazines, and
other forms of mediums that are capable of being related to products and
services) to be tagged with predefined keywords or phrases (also
including but not limited to videos, audios, pictures, and other methods
of identifying content) advertisements, affiliate marketing
advertisements, or additional information. Said predefined keyword tags
are stored in a database and are associated directly to predefined
advertisements (including but not limited to manufacturers, companies,
product selling/distributing agencies, and any other form of stores or
shops), affiliate marketing advertisements, or additional information.
Said predefined keyword tags are inserted manually by users (individuals,
agencies, organizations, or companies) in order to relate to said content
or media and to specify which corresponding advertisements to deliver.
The displayed advertisements will be shown as forms including but not
limited to: lists of products/services, blended content, widgets with
affiliated products/services, etc. There is also no limit as to where
said tags and said advertisements can be sent to. Most importantly, this
invention allows media to be tagged with related products or services so
that the product manufacturer/distributor, the advertising, and the
individual (media creator) all benefit from it.