Particular aspects provide novel methods for redirecting carbon allocation
in plants or cell culture from lignification to inherently more useful
and tractable materials, and to facilitate the generation of, e.g.,
biofuels from the remaining plant roculture biomass. Particular aspects
provided novel methods for converting monolignols into allyl/propenyl
phenols, and for chavicol/eugenol formation or production. Additional
aspects relate to the discovery of novel chavicol/eugenol synthases that
convert p-coumaryl/coniferyl alcohol esters into chavicol/eugenol, and to
novel compositions (e.g., novel proteins and nucleic acids encoding
same), and novel methods using same for producing or forming
chavicol/eugenol and other derivatives in cell culture and/or genetically
modified plants, and for re-engineering the composition of plant biomass.
Particular aspects provide novel methods for generation in culture or in
planta of liquid/combustible allyl/propenyl phenols, and these phenolic
products are utilized for (non-ethanol) biofuel/bioenergy purposes, while
the remaining plant biomass facilitates the generation of other biofuels.