A chlorinator for wastewater treatment systems having a circulation pump,
circulation tank, and return flow line, which includes a reservoir of
disinfectant fluid and a dosage container communicating with the
reservoir and the circulation tank to dispense a determined quantity of
disinfectant during operation of the circulation pump. The dosage
container is vented to atmosphere to prevent vacuum lock in operation and
communicates with the reservoir at a flow rate substantially smaller than
it communicates with the circulation tank. Operation of the circulation
pump causes flow through the return line, inducing distribution of the
quantity of disinfectant fluid into the circulation tank. As the dosage
container outgoing flow rate far exceeds the dosage container incoming
flow rate, once the disinfectant level drops below the point of
communication between the dosage container and the circulation tank, no
her disinfectant is drawn into the circulation tank. A near-uniform
volume of disinfectant fluid is thereby supplied per pump cycle.