A drain field assembly includes a distribution pipe for receiving liquid
effluent that has a plurality of holes through the wall. A plurality of
generally cylindrical void pipes receive effluent from the distribution
pipe, retaining the effluent for a time, and distributing the effluent to
an area of soil. The void pipes are positioned in a trench atop one
another so that the cylindrical axis of a bottom void pipe is
substantially vertically aligned with the cylindrical axis of a top void
pipe, and the cylindrical axis of a middle void pipe is offset from those
of the bottom and top void pipes. A distribution pipe is positioned
within the top void pipe. In some embodiments a second distribution pipe
can be positioned atop the top void pipe. A protective soil-impervious,
liquid-permeable sheeting is placed atop and beneath the assembly for
protecting the holes pipes from intrusion by soil.