The invention relates to a method, devices and system for transit of
information over packet switched networks, in particular for transit of
an end-to-end connection over a plurality of such networks (1', 1, 1'')
using a transit method that is independent on the network technology used
in the different networks. An end-to-end service node (21) selects the
networks and links an end-to-end connection shall traverse. To each
network an incoming transit node (2) and an outgoing transit node (3) are
connected. Between these a leg of the end-to-end connection is transited.
The outgoing transit node has a list (37) of transit tags used for
identification of a packet flow related to the connection. A transit tag
is selected from the list and is signalled to the incoming transit node
together with the local address of the outgoing transit node. At the
incoming transit node incoming packets are analyzed with regard to the
presence of a local identifier (e.g. called a link tag). In the incoming
transit node packets with the local identifier are subjected to a special
treatment. Its payload is put in the payload of a new packet that is
formatted according to the network technology used in the network, and as
destination of the new packet is the address of the outgoing transit node
used. The new packet is marked with the transit tag. Finally the new
packet is injected into the network and is routed therein according to
that network's routing mechanisms. When the new packet arrives at the
outgoing transit node its transit tag is used as incoming identifier.