The disclosed process and system are used for the denitrification of
wastewater. The system comprises: an influent flow meter for measuring an
influent flow Q; an influent concentration analyzer for measuring an
influent dissolved oxygen concentration, an influent nitrate
concentration, and an influent nitrite concentration; an effluent concentration analyzer for measuring an
effluent nitrate concentration NO.sub.3--N.sub.eff, and an effluent
nitrite concentration NO.sub.2--N.sub.eff', and a feed chemical
controller for providing a feed chemical at a controlled rate. The feed
chemical controller is responsive to one or more output signals provided
by an automated control loop that accepts input signals from the influent
concentration analyzer and the effluent concentration analyzer, which
input signals relate to at least,,
NO.sub.3--N.sub.eff, and NO.sub.2--N.sub.eff.