Sludge can be treated by placing it in a carrier sized for bulk shipment
of sludge by road or by rail. An antipathogenic substance such as lime is
mixed into the sludge located in the carrier in order to treat pathogens
in the sludge. At least one mixer adapted for mixing sludge throughout
the carrier is employed. A dispenser such as a conduit or a loader bucket
can dispense the antipathogenic substance so that the mixer can mix the
substance with the sludge. The sludge is transported in the carrier
either before or after the mixing with the antipathogenic substance. The
mixture of sludge and antipathogenic substance is allowed to remain in
the carrier long enough to treat pathogens with the substance before
unloading the sludge from the carrier at a destination established for
utilization, storage, transfer or disposal of the sludge.