Concrete with coarse aggregate defined as enriched limestone waste of
grading intermediate between the coarse and fine aggregates is
characterized by specified compressive strength and modulus of rupture up
to 5,000 psi and more than 750 psi, respectively, and is an enriched
by-product of the manufacture of crushed limestone of regular sizes finer
than 9.5 mm. and includes and amount of aggregate finer than 4.75 mm.
which is close to, but not exceeding, two-thirds of the total weight of
aggregate most of which is coarser than 2.36 mm., the amount of aggregate
finer than 0.3 mm. not exceeding about three percent of the total weight
of aggregate, concrete with this specified aggregate mixture requiring
less consumption of cement and admixture than that of concrete of the
same compressive strength and less flexural strength with crushed granite
of regular sizes of as coarse aggregate and is much less expensive.