Methods, systems and devices for a waveguide pumping gain guided index
antiguided fiber laser having a fiber selected for a refractive index
crossover at a wavelength between a pump wavelength and a laser emission
wavelength. A waveguide pumping system pumps a light having a pump
wavelength into the fiber allowing a laser light to be captured by a gain
guided process in the core while the pump light, propagating in the
cladding is coupled to the core. The fiber selection includes selecting a
fiber with a cladding material having a refractive index less than a core
material refractive index for a pump wavelength and a core refractive
index at the laser emission wavelength is less than the cladding
refractive index at the same laser emission wavelength to allow the pump
light to propagate through the cladding as a conventional wave guided
fiber laser, white the laser emission is captured within the core as an
index antiguided, gain guided wave.