A liquid crystal display device of an in-plane switching mode comprises at
least optically anisotropic members (A) and (B) and liquid crystal cell
disposed between a pair of polarizers having absorption axes disposed
approximately perpendicularly to each other, wherein n.sub.zA>n.sub.yA
and n.sub.xB>n.sub.zB (n.sub.xA, n.sub.xB:refractive indices (n) in
the direction of the in-plane slow axis; n.sub.yA, n.sub.yB:n in the
in-plane direction perpendicular to the above direction; n.sub.zA,
n.sub.zB:n in the direction of thickness, each at 550 nm); the in-plane
slow axes of (A) and (B) are approximately parallel or perpendicular to
each other; and the in-plane slow axis of (A) is approximately parallel
or perpendicular to the absorption axis of a polarizer closer to (A). The
antireflection property, scratch resistance and durability are excellent,
the angle of field is wide, and uniform display of images with great
contrast can be achieved at any angle of observation.