The present invention relates to the process for the recovery of
conjugated isoflavones of residues and sub-products of food industries
based on the use of soy and its derivatives. It also concerns of
isoflavones obtained from food composition containing isoflavones and
from the fungus genetically modified used in this process, Aspergillus
oryzae ATCC 22786 (RIB 430). More specifically, the present invention
concerns of a process of conversion of conjugated isoflavones, in the
form of isoflavone malonate and acetates, in glucosylated isoflavones,
which through fermentative and enzymatic processes are transformed into
aglycone isoflavones. The products obtained in this process, pass to show
a promising therapeutic as nutritive application as previously described,
and may be used as a functional food or as a functional ingredient.