Method and apparatus are introduced for determining proportional cardiac
output (CO), absolute left atrial pressure (LAP), and/or other important
hemodynamic variables from a contour of a circulatory pressure waveform
or related signal. Certain embodiments of the invention provided herein
include the mathematical analysis of a pulmonary artery pressure (PAP)
waveform or a right ventricular pressure (RVP) waveform in order to
determine beat-to-beat or time-averaged proportional CO, proportional
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and/or LAP. The invention permits
continuous and automatic monitoring of critical hemodynamic variables
with a level of invasiveness suitable for routine clinical application.
The invention may be utilized, for example, to continuously monitor
critically ill patients with pulmonary artery catheters installed and
chronically monitor heart failure patients instrumented with implanted
devices for measuring RVP.