The present invention discloses a bank transaction method linking accounts
via common accounts, wherein the existing accounts of the account holder
and/or newly opened plural accounts link arbitrarily as defined by the
account holder for convenient transactions between account holder's
primary account and other's secondary accounts without using account
numbers of the concerned accounts. To fulfill, the purpose, the present
invention enables the account holder to make transactions on a primary
account as well on linked secondary accounts in real time; and the said
primary and secondary accounts are also offered for independent
transaction as ordinary bank accounts. In addition, the classification
and management of the said primary and secondary accounts are attainable
through the individual account number with specified account code given
by the bank to achieve transactions between the said primary and
secondary accounts while implementing the conventional banking system.
Furthermore, transaction to the external transaction network including
payment gateway can be processed without changing the existing data
format, both of account holders' and bank's convenience is maximized.