A database network router (DNR) in a database network includes a client
access module and a database resource manager that communicate with each
other using a common software interface. The client access module
communicates with clients including application servers and external
database servers; and the database resource manager communicates with the
database servers. The DNR also includes a protocol manager for handling
multiple database protocols. The database network router also includes
local data cache storage to store commonly used data objects, results of
parsed query statement, non-optimized query statements, and optimized
alternatives and assigns a priority to each client on log-in. The DNR
provides a method for connections pooling, a method for balancing the
load in a database networks and a method for synchronizing the data
stored in cache memory with the database network and method for
synchronizing the data stored in cache memory with the database to insure
data reliability. The DNR also provides a method for monitoring and
optimizing data queries to improve the performance of the database
network. The DNR also provides a method to migrate from an old to a new
version of the database.