In an environment in which applications perform multi-tasking by using threads, the optimum number of threads to be provided to an application is determined based on historical data. Due to the use of the historical data, optimum number of threads can be accurately determined, leading to better response times for service requests, without creating unneeded overhead on system processing the service requests. In one embodiment, various status information (of potentially several prior weeks) such as number of tasks received and pending, system resources status (e.g. idle processor time and aggregate memory usage in the system), is maintained. In addition, a table may be maintained to indicate the optimum number of threads for a given combination of status information values. Thus, based on the expected status scenario, the optimum number of threads can be determined and provided at various points of time.


< System, method, and service for efficient allocation of computing resources among users

> Nested monitor handling processes

> Workload categorization for detecting role changes in a host computing device

~ 00587