A method includes (a) performing image deblur at the original size of
underexposed and normally exposed images when their original image size
is small. Otherwise, the method includes (b) downsizing the images and
performing image deblur on the downsized images. The image deblur on
downsized images includes (c) applying a global color transfer between
the images if their difference of average gray values is small.
Otherwise, the method includes four successive sub-procedures: (d)
histogram customizing of the underexposed image based on the normally
exposed image; (e) region segmentation for the histogram-customized
underexposed image and local alignment of regions in the
histogram-customized underexposed image with the normally exposed image;
(f) color tuning for the histogram-customized underexposed image based on
the local alignment and a global alignment between the underexposed and
the normally exposed images; and (g) local color transfer with multi-size
neighbor windows from between the images.