Peer-A (101) broadcasts a Peer Lookup Query (107) to a Peer Discovery
Service (PDS) (105). Peer-A (101) may receive a Peer Lookup Response
(109) from any peer having the reachability information including a Time
Stamp, and an Initial Sequence Number. Peer-A (101) may subsequently use
the Time Stamp and Sequence Number to send session management and session
media packets to Peer-B (103). Peer-A (101) and Peer-B (103) reciprocally
store message identification including sequence number and timestamp in a
local session record contained in a secure memory. At completion of the
IP session, both Peer-A (101) and Peer-B (103) will dump the session
records from their respective secure memories to a remote Session Log
Database (115), via message (117) and message (119), respectively. The
remote session DB consolidates the records and uses the temporal and
causal relationships between the messages to resolve any data conflicts
and recreate the complete session record.