A miniaturized liquid cooling device (200) includes a heat absorber (20),
a heat dissipater (30), a droplet generator (40) driving a working fluid
circulating between the heat absorber and the heat dissipater, and a
plurality of tubes (50) connecting the heat absorber, the heat dissipater
and the droplet generator with each other. The droplet generator includes
a bottom electrode plate (42), a top electrode plate (44) hermetically
covering the bottom electrode plate, a fluid channel (425) formed between
and a plurality of control electrodes (422) disposed between the top
electrode plate and the bottom electrode plate. The control electrodes
are arranged between an inlet (481) and an outlet (491) of the droplet
generator. Voltages are regularly applied across the control electrodes
so as to generate a plurality of fluid droplets (D) and drive the fluid
droplets to move from the inlet towards the outlet of the droplet