The invention relates to a microstructured technological system and, in
particular, micromirror arrangements. The aim of the invention is to
produce facade elements for buildings having large areas in square
centimetres and above, at reduced cost. The entire micromirror
arrangement can be produced as a flat, architectonically useable
structural element in a modularly replicable manner. According to the
invention, the control electronic system, which contains the logics which
are controlled as mirror elements, is arranged in the centre of a control
device at a specific, remote distance from which an addressing network is
used to control the individual mirror elements or modules. Said
addressing network is already integrated into the flat modules during
production and to a large degree, in the form of printed lines. As a
result, the necessity of incorporating silicon-based chip technology into
the facade elements, which is expensive, is no longer necessary. Also,
essentially less expensive materials than highly pure silicon are used in
the production of the micromirror arrangements. Production costs, which
are at least in the same size order as other, traditional, high quality
facade elements, result therefrom.