A semiconductor memory module comprises a control chip for driving ECC
memory chips and further memory chips. The memory chips are arranged in
two rows on a top side and a bottom side of the module circuit board. The
ECC memory chips are arranged centrally on the module circuit board
alongside the rows of the memory chips. A control bus connects the ECC
memory chips and also the memory chips to the control chip. In a region
remote from the control chip, the control bus branches in a
contact-making hole into a first partial bus, to which a first group of
memory chips are connected, and a second partial bus, to which a second
group of memory chips are connected. The ECC memory chips are likewise
connected to the control bus via the contact-making hole. Since the ECC
memory chips are not arranged directly under the control chip, a bus
branch directed backward is not required. As a result, space
considerations on the module circuit board are eased and signal integrity
on the control buses is improved.