The present invention relates to an in-line method for generating
comonomer, such as 1-hexene or 1-octene, from monomer, such as ethylene.
The comonomer generated is directly transported, without isolation or
storage, to a polyethylene polymerization reactor. The in-line method for
generating comonomer includes the steps of providing an in-line comonomer
synthesis reactor and a downstream gas/liquid phase separator prior to a
polyethylene polymerization reactor; feeding ethylene monomer and a
catalyst in a solvent to the comonomer synthesis reactor; reacting the
ethylene monomer and the catalyst in solvent under reaction conditions to
produce an effluent stream including ethylene monomer and comonomer;
passing the effluent stream from the comonomer synthesis reactor to the
downstream gas/liquid phase separator to separate a gas stream from a
bottom stream, wherein the gas stream is a mixture of ethylene monomer,
and comonomer; and passing the gas stream to the polyethylene
polymerization reactor to provide the necessary comonomer input. The
in-line method is useful in the production of LLDPE, and other branched
polyethylene based polymers. Some benefits include process simplification
and reduced capital and operating costs.