Described is a voice persona service by which users convert text into
speech waveforms, based on user-provided parameters and voice data from a
service data store. The service may be remotely accessed, such as via the
Internet. The user may provide text tagged with parameters, with the text
sent to a text-to-speech engine along with base or custom voice data, and
the resulting waveform morphed based on the tags. The user may also
provide speech. Once created, a voice persona corresponding to the speech
waveform may be persisted, exchanged, made public, shared and so forth.
In one example, the voice persona service receives user input and
parameters, and retrieves a base or custom voice that may be edited by
the user via a morphing algorithm. The service outputs a waveform, such
as a .wav file for embedding in a software program, and persists the
voice persona corresponding to that waveform.