A mobile station is associated with a first wireless coverage area that has a first pilot signal. A second wireless coverage area that has a second pilot signal is in the mobile station's neighbor list. The mobile station measures E.sub.1, the energy per chip of the first pilot signal, and I.sub.1, the total received power at the first pilot's frequency. The mobile station also measures E.sub.2, the energy per chip of the second pilot signal, and I.sub.2, the total received power at the second pilot's frequency. If E.sub.2 exceeds E.sub.1 by at least a first predetermined amount and E.sub.2/I.sub.2 exceeds E.sub.1/I.sub.1 by at least a second predetermined amount, then a handoff of the mobile station from the first wireless coverage area to the second wireless coverage area is effected.

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~ 00594