Three new methods are presented to improve floating solutions and
ambiguity resolution for multiple global satellite navigation systems
(GNSS), one of which may be an FDMA-based GNSS such as GLONASS: (1)
modeling of the hardware-related differential clock error between two (or
more) different GNSS, (2) modeling the frequency-dependent biases present
in frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) GNSS, and (3) an ambiguity
resolution method called Scoreboard Partial Fixing (SPF). The methods
presented are independent of the number of carrier frequencies tracked
for each satellite navigation system. Their application results in
quicker and more reliable ambiguity resolution. The benefits of combining
observations of multiple GNSS are exploited in a very efficient way, in
contrast to known algorithms which often result in degraded performance
with multiple GNSS. The frequency-dependent bias method has been found
effective with GNSS observations from a combination of substantially
dissimilar hardware, e.g., for processing signals from GNSS receivers of
different manufacturers.