An electroshock device with a more effective physiological impact uses Shaped Pulse technology and integrated STUN GUN/EMD technology to produce high-voltage pulse transformers, and is distinguished by the considerable visual effect of its demonstration release of electric discharge. In one embodiment, the device employs parameters of electric discharges having frequencies of 100-200 Hz with pulse energy of at least 0.1 J and a pulse duration up to 1000 milliseconds, which allows one to achieve the goal of stopping and capturing the target. In other embodiments, a series of impulses based on STUN GUN technology alternate with separate impulses based on EMD technology in a single, uninterrupted electric discharge by which the target-stopping and target-capturing mechanisms are attained.


< Electron beam systems

> Nano-based device and method

> Toy gun for launching an elongated dart and a method of using pressurized air to launch an elongated dart from a toy gun

~ 00595