Provided is a volume element printing system for printing a
three-dimensional object. The system includes a first printhead group
having a plurality of first printheads configured to print a first voxel
layer on a substrate, and at least one second printhead group having a
plurality of second printheads downstream from the first group. The
second printhead group is configured to print a subsequent voxel layer on
at least part of the first layer, said second printheads being
reconfigurable as backup printheads for the first printheads in case of
failure. The system also includes an object insertion device configured
to insert an object into a cavity defined by the voxel layers, and a
conveyor configured to convey the substrate past the printhead groups.
Also included is a control system configured to control and monitor the
printhead groups, the object insertion device and the conveyor, and
dynamically to reconfigure the second printheads if failure of a first
printhead is detected.