Provided are methods, computer programs and apparatus supporting use of
generic shortcuts. Generic shortcut sequences are sequences of generic
inputs that are defined to an application program to initiate specific
operations of the application, and which translate to a respective input
sequence receivable from each of a plurality of different types of input
device. An application program written to support generic shortcut
sequences will initiate specific application operations when received
device-specific inputs translate into a sequence of generic inputs and
the sequence includes a generic shortcut sequence. An event translator
applies mappings between receivable device-type-specific inputs and
respective generic inputs, to allow received input sequences to be
translated into sequences of generic inputs. The resulting sequences of
generic inputs are compared with defined generic shortcut sequences. If a
match is identified between the sequence of generic inputs (generated by
translating received device-specific inputs) and a defined generic
shortcut sequence, the generic shortcut sequence initiates its respective
application operation.